Good Luck EDoll

Emelie Enqvist - the darker side of the ballerina

One day this will be EDoll

My friend EDoll is going to audition for NBS (National Ballet School of Canada) If she gets accepted she will live in the school for 6 years and might go on tour.  I’d be really happy if she gets accepted but I will really miss her. Were BFFL’S. Today she wrote on a piece of paper:

BFFLABNMWWWEU (Best friends for life and beyond no matter whenever, wherever we end up)

BFFLWWFAE (best friends for life whenever wherever for all eternity)

That made me tear up. Me, EDoll, and Nation are Blogger Buddies, Best Friends FOR LIFE, FOR ALL ETERNITY.  We will accept what we all have to do and we will help each other through everything.  We are are true best friends and no matter where we end up, we will still be best friends.

Advent Acts Of Charity


Advent (Photo credit: Lawrence OP)

In school, we had to make a calender and for  Advent which is each day of December until the 25th, there is an act of charity we have to do.  Acts of charity are actually getting up and doing something for someone else.  You can help people, donate things, sacrifice your own time to spend it with loved ones and others.  What are your acts of charity?  It could be the simplest thing!  Hug a friend, call someone to say I love you and you care!  You can even just compliment someone or just smile and have a laugh with others! Advent. A-D-V-E-N-T.  Put the ADVENT back in ADVENTure and make your ADVENTure a caring and loving one.